Association Constitution & Rules – January 2024

(Changes from the 2024 AGM in bold)


1. The name of the Association shall be called the FLINTSHIRE AREA BOWLING ASSOCIATION

2. The objects of the association shall be to promote & govern the game of crown green bowling in the Flintshire area.

3. The association shall be part of the Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association (WCGBA) and shall be affiliated to the British Crown Green Bowling Association (BCGBA) and shall agree to conform to the byelaws of that body and to observe the laws of the game as defined by that body.

4. The Association will administer and manage a number of competitions including County Cup, Consolation Cup, Veterans County Cup and Flintshire Floodlight (see separate documents regarding competition rules).


Any bowling club affiliated to the WGCBA shall be eligible for membership.

All members of the club accepted for affiliation shall be considered to be affiliated players of the Flintshire Area and eligible to play in all competitions promoted by the Association.

5. No affiliated club shall take part in contests on the green of an unaffiliated club or invite an unaffiliated club to take part in contests on their green, No member of an affiliated club shall take part in any contest organised by an unaffiliated club or body. Any contravention of that rule may lead to disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.


6. The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer who will be elected annually at the A.G.M.

A. There shall be no more than Three (3) life members in the Association.

B. If an officer elected at the A.G.M. ceases to hold office either by death or resignation, the Management Committee shall have the power to elect a successor until the next A.G.M. of the Association.

Contractual expenses

The following amounts of contractual expenses were agreed at the 2018 Association A.G.M.

Treasurer - £220, Secretary - £320 , Webmaster £120 and Auditor £80.


7. The business of the Association shall be conducted by an Management committee of which the six officers shall be ex-official members. The committee shall include: 8 management members from the Flintshire Area and the Life Members.

8. The Management Committee shall meet as and when necessary and have the power to delegate any of the duties to a sub-committee which shall meet as required.

9. The Quorum at all meetings shall be a minimum of one 5th of the members eligible to vote, a quorum shall be no less than Five (5) members.

10. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the 2nd Monday in January, when audited accounts of the Association shall be presented. Officers of the Association shall be appointed and alterations to the byelaws and competition rules may be discussed and any other business for the good of bowling in general.

11. A two thirds (2/3) majority is required to carry any constitutional alterations to the rules that can be made.


12. The Annual subscription for the following year for each affiliated club shall be determined by the A.G.M.

13. The annual affiliation fee for each Club to be £50.00.

14. All monies raised by and on behalf of the Association shall be applied to the objects of the said association and for no other purpose.

15. The treasurer shall ensure that proper accounts are kept of the funds of the Association.

16. An Auditor appointed at the AGM shall audit the accounts at least once a year.

17. An audited statement of the accounts shall be presented at the AGM.

18. Cheques and money transactions shall be countersigned by at least two (2) officers of the association.

Representation at the Annual General Meeting

19. Each affiliated Flintshire club shall be required to send at least one (1) representative to the AGM, the failure to attend by a club will be penalised by a £10 fine.

20. Each affiliated club is entitled to Two (2) representatives at the A.G.M. with the power to vote.

21. Non Flintshire clubs that are affiliated to the Association are invited to the A.G.M. but are not entitled to vote and will not incur a fine for non attendance.

22. A management committee member can vote at the A.G.M. in addition to the club representatives.

23. The Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting at any time on receiving a request to that effect by the Secretaries of not less than Four (4) affiliated clubs. The request must state clearly the object for which the meeting is to be convened and only that business can be discussed.


24. Each club shall be produced with a copy of the byelaws and be bound thereby. In cases in infringement of the said byelaws by any club or member, the Management Committee shall deal with the matter.

Any formal complaint or protest shall be accompanied by a fee of £10 which will be refunded if the appeal or complaint is upheld. The Management Committee shall have the power to expel or fine the offenders.

25. An appeal against the Management Committee decision however may be made to WCGBA in accordance with their byelaws.

26. A member of the Management Committee who is / are members of the offending club or who are connected in any way with the infringement shall not be allowed to sit on the Management Committee hearing the complaint.

27. No byelaws shall be rescinded altered or added without the consent two thirds (2/3) attending the A.G.M.

28. Notice of any proposed amendment or alteration of any of the byelaws shall be given to the Secretary no later than the 1st day of December and all affiliated clubs shall be given notice of such a proposal 14 days prior to the A.G.M.

29. The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for in the foregoing byelaws.

Flintshire Area

Bowling Association

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